is Europe’s first payment provider that is entirely cloud-based, ensuring 24/7 uninterrupted service across 32 countries. It is also the only provider to offer acceptance fees as low as 0%!

Elorus has teamed up with VivaWallet to let you accept online payments for your invoices. Once a client pays you, their invoice will automatically be tagged as paid. Elorus will also give you a heads-up notice to always keep you up to date about your online transactions.

Online payments with Elorus &

Accept credit cards online with, following 3 easy steps

1. Integrate

Just connect your Viva account to Elorus; it only takes a few seconds!

2. Email your invoice

When sending an invoice, a unique payment URL will be in it for your client’s convenience.

3. Get paid

Your clients are a click away from honoring their part of the deal. Credit card or Viva account, it’s up to them.

Invoicing & time tracking for project-driven teams

Keep your projects healthy

Monitor the amount of hours spent on different tasks and projects. Gain access to visualized insights into your team’s performance. Get better at budget allocation by understanding the expenses and the true costs of your projects.

Invoicing made easy

Generate professional and customized invoices in just a few steps. No matter the country, the currency or the language of your clients; we handle it all.

Time tracking

Have a complete view of your projects. Register your project-related hours by using the time tracker or filling your weekly timesheets. Achieve the great time managementand productivity control your company needs.

Expense management

Fast and simple tracking of your company’s expenses. Supplier invoices, recurring expenses, bill payments - all at once. Expense highlight: tie expenses to your projects for optimal financial overview of your ventures.

Online payments

Simplify the way you get paid. Accept credit cards online with PayPal, Braintree and more, without any commission towards Elorus.

Private client portal

Build a strong relationship with your clients and impress them with their own, dedicated area. Using the client portal they can pay invoices online,monitor your projects as well as review their complete transaction history.

Team productivity

Your accountant and partners can easily access your data whilst reducing management time and costs.
Our security shield

Our security shield

Elorus is ISO 27001 certified to guard your data with diligence. Our SSL certificate will also protect your freedom and right to privacy.

Multichannel customer support

Multichannel customer support

We offer multichannel customer service through our live chat, specialized help center, FB and Twitter pages regardless of the plan you choose.

Start with the FREE plan.

No credit card. No commitment.